So it started with an ordinary day, browsing my bookshelf, having a quick peek at the Amazon Bestseller's list when I stumbled across Goodreads. As an avid book-reader I had of course heard of Goodreads but had never actually used it before. I immediately created a humongous 'to-read' list which should keep me going for a few months at least! Seeing Goodreads made me realise that reviewing books is very useful for other book-readers, it opens up a new world of books so that you are never short of a book to read!
I love a wide range of books, from chick-lits to crime to fantasy books and all in-between. I also read books in a variety of formats. My bookshelf is full of hardback and paperback books but also the kindle app on my Nexus 7 is an absolute gem! It means I can be anywhere in the world, on the train, in a coffee shop, at a friends house or curled up at home trying not to wake my boyfriend up and I can hop onto the kindle store and download a book in seconds, so I can carry on reading quietly in the dark. It has brought a whole new dimension to my book reading habits and I absolutely love it!
I have found that whilst I am reading a book or a series of books, there is always 1 song which I associate with this book. Whether it sets the atmosphere or simply brings back memories of reading, there is always that 1 special song! So the point of this blog is to not just review the books that I have been reading, but to link a song or piece of music with the book. I think it will be interesting to see which songs people match with the books they read as I believe there will be a complete mix of songs! And so Beckie's Book Mix was born, an opportunity to mix books and music together.
Happy Book Mixing!